ChemRecEurope is delighted to welcome new member of the association. It is great to see our membership growing constantly. ARCUS Greencycling Technologies GmbH give our association an even more important voice in Europe. We are looking forward to working together with the new member on common goals”, states ChemRecEurope Secretary General, Mohammad Hayatifar.

ARCUS Greencycling Technologies GmbH is a German company developing and offering an innovative solution to tackle the environmental problems posed by unsafe disposal of used plastic materials. We focus on mixed plastic waste without additional sorting of residues from mechanical recycling, hence offering a complementary and additional solution for complex waste streams (incl. ABS, PET and PVC), meeting all legal regulations. The ARCUS-Process generates high quality liquids for oil refining and petrochemical industries. Premium quality gas from the ARCUS-Process is used in a CHP to supply heat and electricity to the entire process. The ARCUS technology is able to close the plastics-loop significantly reducing plastics carbon footprint and contributing to the circular economy.