Chemical Recycling Europe Forum 2023 CREF2023

Chemical Recycling Europe Forum 2023 held with focus on enabling conditions for the industry The “Chemical Recycling Europe Forum 2023 (CREF2023)”, the annual conference of Chemical Recycling Europe (CRE) who represent the interest of the European chemical recycling industry took place last week on the 21st and 22nd of September in Brussels. Opening the […]
Supply chain letter on the need for mass balance fuel-use exempt for chemical recycling

The undersigned, representing 20 associations in the plastics supply chain, call on EU Member States to urgently adopt mass balance fuel-use exempt as the EU harmonised mass balance method for allocating recycled content via chemical recycling. An early warning report to Member States from June 2023 states that 19 countries are at high risk of […]
Mass-Balance for chemical recycling

The Mass-Balance approach: is a proven chain of custody approach used in many areas bringing innovations to the market such as fair-trade practices in the food industry and the adoption of “green energy” where the Mass-Balance approach enables its flow through the same grid as for fossil energy and the significant development of the industry, […]
Position Paper on Chemical Recycling

Chemical Recycling: a complementary recycling solution to boost plastics circularity and reduce the carbon footprint The European Commission with its Circular Economy Action Plan has set ambitious targets for the EU member states. It aims to overcome traditional linear patterns of production and consumption, to keep resources in use for as long as possible, and […]
Chemical Recycling: welcomed step in the right direction

Chemical Recycling Europe (ChemRecEurope) welcomes Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) assessment of the potential of chemical recycling to complement mechanical recycling and to overcome its limitations, as much in the plastic waste treated as well as in the high-quality of the output. ChemRecEurope also welcomes the recognition from ZWE that the plastic to plastic (P2P) process […]
Chemical Recycling is part of the solution!

There is now a growing movement recognizing chemical recycling as part of the solution to reduce plastic waste, decrease CO2 footprint and contribute to the creation of a circular economy for plastics. See how Chemical Recycling Europe (ChemRecEurope) members are supporting circularity of polymers by providing innovative solutions to tackle plastic pollution, to conserve natural resources and protect the environment. Read more here.
ChemRecEU calls for constructive collaboration with waste management industry to increase recycling

In December 2019, FEAD the representative body of the private waste management and resource industry published the results of its analysis of chemical recycling. Chemical Recycling Europe supports constructive dialogues with regard to chemical recycling and would like to clarify some observations issued in the FEAD’s analysis: 1. Chemical Recycling Europe would emphasize that chemical recycling […]
Restrictions & misunderstanding about Chemical Recycling misguide transformation of EU Waste Policy

Although the “10 priorities to transform EU Waste Policy” developed by various European Union (EU) NGOs and associations points at ambitious directions for the waste policy that Chemical Recycling Europe generally supports, restrictions mentioned in Priority 9 represent missed opportunities to improve the current waste and recycling system, leading to some inconsistencies between priorities. We […]
Announcing Full Agenda – Chemical Recycling Europe Forum 2023

Come join us in Brussels, the heart of Europe, for the Chemical Recycling Europe Forum 2023. Here is the chance to come together and discuss the opportunities, challenges and latest developments of the present and future of chemical recycling with experts from the industry, the plastics value chain, European and national authorities, academia, NGOs, research […]
Advanced Recycling Conference (ARC) 2023 by CRE partner, nova-Institut

Taking place on 28-29 November 2023 in Cologne, Germany, and online, the Advanced Recycling Conference will introduce the diversity of advanced recycling solutions and brings together stakeholders along the entire plastics value chain. The unique concept of presenting all advanced recycling solutions and related topics at one event will guarantee a comprehensive and exciting conference […]